Perugia-10 Things to do and Visit

Perugia is a little gem that unfolds slowly before the eyes of visitors. The Umbrian town holds art treasures and monuments that bear witness to the rich past and do justice to the cultural primacy of our country. Although it retains the look and pace of life in a small walled medieval town, Perugia has a very busy city life,

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Campobasso-10 things to do and visit

Campobasso is a city of 49,434 inhabitants, capital of the province and the region of Molise. First city in the region by population, rises to 701 meters above sea level, making it the third highest regional capital of Italy after Potenza and L’Aquila. The city, of Lombard origin, is located in the area between the rivers Biferno and Fortore. The

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Catanzaro – 10 Things to do and visit

It is the second common in the region for population and is the center of an urban area, which has about 150,000 inhabitants. Historic capital of the former province of Calabria Ultra for over 200 years, the city of Catanzaro is home of the University “Magna Graecia”, according to the University of Calabria for the number of subscribers. In the

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10 Most beautiful Churches in Italy

In every country of Italy, even the smallest one and lost in the mountains or on the cliffs, there is a church, large or small. This is because in the past the villages, towns or cities, formed and clustered around these places of worship, that marked the passing of time thanks to the bells and the liturgies celebrated in them.

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